
AMPED Member Focus: Drs. Matthew and Taylor Filtz

AMPED Member Focus: Drs. Matthew and Taylor Filtz

We are proud to bring you the story of Drs. Matthew and Taylor Filtz of “Foundation Chiropractic”, located in Green Bay, WI! All of us in the AMPED community wish them the best of luck.

Q. What are your roles at the practice?

A. Dr. Matt adjusts, and Dr. Taylor serves as the Office Manager

Q. How long have you been open?

A. 2 years and 6 days

Q. How many patients do you see per week?

A. 400 per week

Q. What is your focus or specialty?

A. Family care

Q. What would you like to tell us about your practice adventure?

A. Our practice adventure started at Palmer college in Davenport IA. We knew early on in school that we wanted to open a practice, but didn’t know how to do it.  We came across AMPED four months into our course work and the rest has been history. 

We started visiting offices and serving where ever we could.  We flew or drove from coast to coast learning from offices all around the US.  Our breaks were spent screening and visiting offices. We did our now famous “Southern Comfort tour” where we visited Dr. Jessica Harden in Fort Mill, Drs. Jared and Samantha Brown in Savannah GA and Drs. Jeremy & Amanda Hess in Stockbridge GA.  When we weren’t setting up health talks, screening or learning at their offices we were sleeping at campsites in a tent and cooking over a campfire all during the July heat. Needless to say, we were dedicated to learning how to be successful! And it’s because of the AMPED opportunities that we were able to hone those skills.

We interned at “Higher Health Chiropractic” under the direction of Dr. Erik Kowalke which was instrumental in our future success as an office!   We decided to open our practice in Green Bay WI about an hour away from where we grew up.  Dr Matt served in the Marine Corps and was briefly stationed in Green Bay after he completed his active duty portion of service so that lead us to wanting to start our practice there.  Opening in Green Bay gave us the opportunity to serve fellow veterans at a high level and possibly even help the Packers win another Super Bowl! We opened the practice in March of 2017 and haven’t looked back since!

Q. Where can we find out more about you?


Q. How has AMPED helped you?

A. AMPED has been our blueprint to success! It has not only provided us with the strategy and tools to be successful, but also the guidance through it’s mentor-ship. More over it gave us the opportunity to learn through action!  The mentor-ship from Dr Kowalke and his team helped us start our office with clarity at all levels, from in office procedures to external marketing.  Our favorite part about the AMPED program is that it is designed to help subluxation based chiropractors become successful.  The guidance of all the mentors is always rooted in the principle of Chiropractic and they lead by example.  We would not have the skills, confidence or clarity to open our office successfully if it wasn’t for AMPED!

Q. Do you have advice for fellow AMPED members?

A. Don’t be a fool, stick with AMPED! AMPED provides so many avenues for it’s members to stay plugged in, include as many of those avenues into your day and you will continue to succeed in practice!  AMPED gives us all the resources to continually improve our skills and make our communities healthier, keep finding ways to use those resources!

Q. What would you say to anyone considering joining AMPED?

A. Over the last 2 years since graduating Chiropractic school we have had countless prior students/doctors contact us because they were struggling in practice and wanted to know what we were doing to succeed.  Don’t be one of those people who is making that call.  Start AMPED today so you don’t have to put yourself through the struggle and pain of failing in practice.  If you want to succeed and make that degree you have a profitable investment instead a heavy debt start AMPED today!

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