
AMPED Member Focus: Drs. Ashley & Troy Hayes

AMPED Member Focus: Drs. Ashley & Troy Hayes

We are proud to bring you the story of Drs. Ashley & Troy Hayes of “Express Life Chiropractic”, located in Lincoln, Nebraska! All of us in the AMPED community wish them the best of luck.

Q. What are your roles at the practice?

A. Dr. Ashley does financials and more team things (more office manager), Dr. Troy does more email and adjusting overall. We stick to our strengths and roles and stay in our own lanes so we don’t end up micromanaging each other.

Q. How long have you been open?

A. 2 1/3 years; started in August of 2018

Q. How many patients do you see per week?

A. 275-300

Q. Would you like to share anything about your practice adventure?

A. Our daughter, Emma was conceived 2 months into opening our practice and then spent the first 11.5 months of her life full time in the practice. She is still at the office for 1-3 shifts a week, mostly because Dr. Ashley couldn’t give her up full time yet. 🙂 Our practice members LOVE to see her too!!

Q. What have you learned in your journey?

A.How to be better bosses and a lot about ourselves, individually and as a couple.

Q. Where can we find out more about you?


Q. How has AMPED helped you?

A. AMPED has been an amazing mentorship for us. It has created life-long friendships, as well as given us the tools to be successful in practice. Honestly, we’re not sure where we’d be without AMPED. We found some notes from when we were about halfway through school (before AMPED ever came to our campus) when we went to a general principled chiropractic seminar and put “have a successful practice serving 150/wk” as one of our goals. We hit that within the first 4 months of being open and know that we can and will grow even more in the coming months and years and are excited that the standard is so high in this community to always push us to grow in serving people and our practice.

Q. What advice do you have for students?

A.Put in the work now by joining the AMPED club because if you think you’re busy now, you don’t know how busy you’ll be when opening your practice.

Q. What advice do you have for fellow doctors?

A. Stay true to your purpose of why you became chiropractors and always appreciate the wins along the way!

Q. What would you say to anyone considering joining AMPED?

A. AMPED is more than just a mentorship program; it is a family to us! It has totally changed our life by creating success within our office, friendships, and family, especially with the connections we’ve made with people that aren’t even chiropractors. We know that if we are ever in a bind, we can always reach out and get help and answers!

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