We are proud to bring you the story of Dr. Thor Woerner and Aubrey Woerner of “Authority Chiropractic”, located in San Antonio, Texas! All of us in the AMPED community wish them the best of luck.
Q. What are your roles at the practice?
A. Dr. Thor: Owner/Chiropractor, Aubrey: Owner/Office Manager
Q. How long have you been open?
A. 2+ years, December 2017
Q. How many patients do you see per week?
A. 300+
Q. What is your focus or specialty?
A. Torque Release Technique; serving a lot of veterans as San Antonio has one of the largest veteran populations in the US.
Q. What would you like to tell us about your practice adventure?
A. Before joining AMPED I had every intention of joining an existing practice as an associate doctor. I had heard all the numbers and stories of chiropractors who were unsuccessful opening on their own. It was my belief that the only way to be successful was to work under someone and maybe one day be able to open your own practice. I was coerced into attending an event with some of the leaders of AMPED and it was there that I began to realize that my previous misconceptions were just that, misconceptions. I married my wife while in school and as we learned more about how to create and run a chiropractic office of our own we were extremely intrigued at the possibilities that were before us. Aubrey took a great leap of faith and stepped out of the medical field serving as a PA in neurosurgery to open a chiropractic office. We jumped in feet first. We traveled to successful offices to learn the ins and outs of day to day operations and put together a plan that fit us and our style without reinventing the wheel.
Q. Where can we find out more about you?
Q. How has AMPED helped you?
A. AMPED gave me the confidence and the business know-how to open my own office from scratch. Coming from no real business background or a personal history with chiropractic, we were able to build a successful chiropractic office in the 7th largest city in the nation. It has given us the community we needed to rely on from before graduation to present day.
Q. Do you have advice for fellow AMPED members?
A. Stay the course and DO NOT mix the message. In a country and world bombarded with information and the next “new thing” on the market, what people really want is the relationship that they have with the only health provider that they truly trust to give them the one thing that only we can provide, the specific chiropractic adjustment.
Q. What would you say to anyone considering joining AMPED?
A. You join AMPED because you want the tools and the community to serve the community you care so much about. There’s no reason to reinvent a perfectly good wheel, especially if you don’t know how to build one in the first place.