We are proud to bring you the story of Dr. Kristen Ras & Dr. Greg Davis of “Essential Chiropractic”, located in Lee’s Summit, Missouri! All of us in the AMPED community wish them the best of luck.
Q. What are your roles at the practice?
A. We have equal roles and do a lot of dividing and conquering! We both work with new practice members, adjust, give half of the NPO, train with the team, mark x-rays, give care recommendations, do ROFs, market, and give encouragement when needed! Dr. Greg thrives at screenings and attends BNI meetings. Dr. Kristen does all of the health talks and attends chamber events.
Q. How long have you been open?
A. 7 weeks! We opened May 13, 2019.
Q. How many patients do you see per week?
A. This week we saw 291 patient visits.
Q. What is your focus or specialty?
A. Our focus is on families. We utilize Torque Release Technique with a mix of pelvis drops when warranted. We have a heart to serve any and everyone so we do our best to cater to any practice member with their health and financial needs.
Q. What would you like to tell us about your practice adventure?
A. Our practice adventure started back in 2013 when we first met at Logan College of Chiropractic. As Greg tells all of our practice members, I followed him around at school and begged him to date me (not accurate lol). We were dating the summer of 2014 when Launch came to Logan for the first time ever, and we are extremely grateful for it EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. The leaders inspired a few of us to develop and lead the Launch Club at Logan. A few trimesters later it was time for our preceptorships, and we were very lucky that some of the best in the business allowed a couple of Logan kids to learn and grow in their offices. Greg went out to Newburgh, NY to learn from the Browers and team Innate. I moved to Hendersonville, TN to grow with the Stewarts and their team at Stewart Chiropractic Center.
In an unexpected turn of events, we were both offered associate opportunities to stay at those offices after graduation. Despite having already combed through the JumpStart modules, we ultimately knew that we had a lot more to learn from these amazing teams and that we one day wanted to serve the masses with the same level of excellence. We then remained at SCC and Innate for the following three years working as associate docs. During this time, we grew and gained confidence in systems, procedures, leadership, chiropractic, and how to effectively serve at a very high level.
Professionally, we were doing all of the right things to put ourselves in the best possible position to succeed. Personally, our three year long-distance relationship was just not an option that made us happy anymore. We started to explore the option of starting an AMPED office of our own together. A couple months later Greg proposed on stage at the 2018 August AMPED team conference in Atlanta and we got engaged!
After exploring a few different cities in the Midwest, Kansas City unexpectedly climbed to the top of our list for a place to call our new home. Together. 🙂 After our last shifts at Innate and SCC (which were filled with tears) in December 2018, Greg packed up his life in NY and I packed up mine in TN. We moved to our new home in Kansas City, MO and immediately (re)started the JumpStart process to open Essential Chiropractic. We had quite a few scares/setbacks before we opened our doors, but the persistence and “no fail” attitudes instilled in us from the Browers & Stewarts kept us on mission to achieve exactly what we put our minds to. Opening day (May 13th) was a day that was years in the making and definitely a dream come true. We are very grateful to the AMPED community, the mentors, the Stewarts, the Browers, the AMPED club leaders at Cleveland, and our hardworking team who have all played such a large role in making our dream a reality.
Q. Where can we find out more about you?
Q. How has AMPED helped you?
A. We could write a book on this topic! One of the biggest takeaways we’ve gleaned from AMPED is the ability to educate effectively yet efficiently. Our obligation as healthcare providers is to educate people to be able to make empowered and informed decisions about their health. Through AMPED and our mentors, we gained the skillset, knowledge, and confidence to educate about true health and healing through chiropractic care.
Q. Do you have advice for fellow AMPED members?
A. Plug in, get involved, ask questions, stay humble, and always be willing to learn. Half measures will get half results or worse. If you’re going to do it and get the most out of it, tell yourself that you’re going to do it all full tilt. Then proceed to never make yourself out to be a liar.
Q. What would you say to anyone considering joining AMPED?
A. It’s a no-brainer. We have been part of AMPED for 5 years and continue to learn something from the mastermind on a regular basis. We don’t know where we would be without AMPED, but we do know that we would NOT be loving chiropractic or serving people excellently!