Q. What are your roles at the practice?
A. CEO & Head Doctor.
Q. How long have you been open?
A. 2 years & 2 months.
Q. How many patients do you see per week?
A. 500
Q. What have your learned in your journey?
A.Don’t let others opinions and their beliefs about your vision and goals stop you from achieving what you want in this life. Everyone will get to that point where you either want to quit, or those negative opinions creep in. Choke that out as quick as you can. That will determine which path your future will hold.
Q. Where can we find out more about you?
Q. How has AMPED helped you?
A. AMPED has helped me build a solid foundation for my future. The mentorship, guidance and friendship along the way has given me and my the family the confidence to serve our community with everything that we have. We are eternally grateful.
Q. Do you have advice for students?
A. School is a short period of time. Spend your time wisely. Is what you are doing today affecting your tomorrow in a positive or negative way
Q. Do you have advice for fellow AMPED members?
A. Keep moving forward. Every day.
Q. What would you say to anyone considering joining AMPED?
A. AMPED is not going to do it for you. The deciding factor will always be the decision maker. YOU. YOU must do the work. Results will follow your work ethic.