We are proud to bring you the story of Dr. Jake Schumann of “Restoration Chiropractic”, located in Prosper, Texas! All of us in the AMPED community wish him the best of luck.
Q. What are your roles at the practice?
A. Dr. Jake Schumann (Solo Doctor), Molly Schumann Rook (Office Manager & Dr. Jake’s sister)
Q. How long have you been open?
A. 9 Months.
Q. How many patients do you see per week?
A. 500 visits / week
Q. What is your focus or specialty?
A. Family Wellness Practice, TRT Analysis – integrator + drop table adjusting, Webster Certified, ICPA Certified.
Q. What would you like to tell us about your practice adventure?
A. It definitely has been an adventure! We planned on opening in September of 2018, with hundreds on the books. We encountered endless delays with construction and inspections and opened a little more than two months past our original date. We lost some patients over the delay in opening but overall maintained the majority and some of those still tease us to this day about all the phone calls we had to make to cancel and then reschedule their new practice member appointments. We honestly never thought it would be this hard but it has absolutely been worth it- the sleepless nights and constant worrying about doing everything right. Right now, we are solely a referral based practice and one of the patients that got tired of waiting for us to open last September/October/November, called last week and has since committed to care! We’ve had a few bad days sprinkled here and there- patients get tired of longer wait times, a bad review, explaining medical necessity and insurance- but all the good days far outweigh those. We’ve seen patients get off their medications, women in our practice conceive after years of trying, and more and more people come to the understanding that their bodies can and will heal themselves and function properly if given the chance!
Q. Where can we find out more about you?
FB: @RestorationChiropractic
IG: restoration.chiropractic
Q. How has AMPED helped you?
A. AMPED has been the pillar in my practice and personal development since Tri 2 of Chiropractic school. From the mentorship, to the relationships, leading club on campus, helping 7 buddies open their offices, serving a clinical rotation at Dr. Michael’s and of course, opening our practice- AMPED paved the way.
Both the AMPED membership as well as the AMPED Facebook page have been vital in supporting us through this journey. Our team has found so many resources and answers to questions they never even knew they had through the page. We can count on someone all the time and it instills a confidence we definitely need daily! Before we do just about anything in our practice, we search the AMPED page first to find out if it has been done and how!
Q. Do you have advice for fellow AMPED members?
A. Use the scripts and constantly review them! Watch the modules and take notes- discuss during team meetings and implement those resources. We always tell our team that if they know the scripts like the back of their hand, it allows them to be dynamic with patients and that’s where we can really connect!
Q. What would you say to anyone considering joining AMPED?
A. Stop considering and just do it! AMPED has endless resources and training opportunities that are helpful for even the most seasoned offices. We know we would not be where we’re at without it!
The fact is you need people.
You need community.
Who you choose dictates your direction.
The AMPED community is elite.