Q. What are your roles at the practice?
A. Our plan was for Morgan to be in the office full-time as our office manager. While I was in school she worked at Revolution Chiropractic in Dallas with Drs. Jason and Shea Kramer for two years to gain knowledge and experience prior to us moving and opening Experience Life. The Lord, however, had a different set of plans. Our youngest son (Slade) was born in January 2019 prior to us opening in April 2019 and was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1 in June 2019. In our journey to discovering Slade’s diagnosis there were multiple specialist and therapy appointments, so in May 2019 Morgan transitioned out of the office and is now a full-time stay at home mom for both of our boys, Callan (4) and Slade (2.5), and full-time caretaker for Slade.
With Morgan no longer in the office, I currently wear most of the hats (still working on the whole delegating thing) which makes us so thankful for all of the power partners within AMPED that helped us be successful through such a stressful and emotional time and continue to support us as we growe
Q. How long have you been open?
A. We have been in practice just over 2 years.
Q. How many patients do you see per week?
A. We just had a record breaking week and broke 300 visits!
Q. Would you like to share anything about your practice adventure?
A. Our practice adventure has been unconventional to say the least. Between everything we went through leading up to Slade’s diagnosis and treatment in 2019, COVID in 2020 and the craziness 2021 has brought, there were a lot of times where we simply felt like we were treading water and doing everything we could just to keep our heads above water. Seeing the growth we saw in 2020, dropping to roughly 50 visits to ending the year seeing just over 200, showed me just how much people are seeking out neurologically-based chiropractic more than ever. I think like many of us here, we turned to social media and really just loving and focusing on those inside our four walls and the growth was inevitable. Now with signs of restrictions starting to loosen, especially here in Texas, we are working on kicking off in-office workshops, health talk, in-office events, etc.
Q. What have you learned in your journey?
A. I think the most important lesson that I’ve learned in our journey so far is to stop and ask for help. The resources we have available to us within the AMPED community are unmatched. From the leadership, to the modules, to the Facebook group, to all of the doctors, teams and spouses…you should never have a question that someone within this group doesn’t know the answer to and isn’t more than willing to share it with you to help you be successful! This is definitely one of those lessons that I continue to work on myself as well.
Q. Where can we find out more about you?
FB: https://www.facebook.com/experiencelifetx
IG: https://www.instagram.com/experiencelifetx/
Q. How has AMPED helped you?
A. There’s not a doubt in my mind that without AMPED we wouldn’t be where we are today and often times questions if we would even be open if it weren’t for AMPED. The way the opening process is spelled out for us, the accessibility to leadership and other docs, the emotional support and the relationships we built are what got us through one of the most stressful and emotional times of our lives. We are forever grateful for what AMPED has helped us achieve in such a short amount of time and can’t wait to see how we continue to grow in years to come.
Q. What advice do you have for students?
A. Get involved yesterday. You can never be too prepared. One of the biggest mistakes I made as a student and student leader was thinking that I was doing “enough”. If you think you’re doing “enough” do a little bit more. Reach out to that doc to ask the question. Don’t turn down opportunities to go serve in offices. Get as much experience as you can on someone else’s dime. I promise you won’t regret it!
Q. What advice do you have for fellow doctors?
A. For doctors within AMPED, my biggest advice would be to take advantage of the resources we have available to us and ASK FOR HELP! For those outside of AMPED, I would highly encourage you to find your support system (AMPED is the best there is) and don’t try to do this alone; because you definitely don’t have to!
Q. What would you say to anyone considering joining AMPED?
A. Do it yesterday!
Q. Anything else you’d like to add?
A. Just a great big THANK YOU! What we love most about the AMPED community is the accessibility to, personability and authenticity of each and every individual in this group. I’ll never forget walking into our second AMPED conference as students and Dr. Jeremy came up to me and Morgan, greeted us by name and chatted with us for 15-20 minutes. He did not have to do that and he certainly had no reason to remember who we were, but he chose to and that spoke volumes to us. We were already sold on AMPED, but that really struck a chord with the both of us and we knew that we were a part of something special.