This is a valuable “Must-Have” and is our most requested module. The Dinner with the Doc module shows you how to plan and execute our most effective practice-building event. Module topics include: Venue, Meal Planning, Marketing, Prep, Follow-up and Bonus Tools.
Login to Sample the ModulePhone calls and phone etiquette can mean the difference between a successful practice that constantly brings in new and existing patients and a practice that flounders without direction. Module topics: New Member Calls, Confirmations, Missed Appointments, Etiquette.
Login to Sample the ModuleTeam huddles are a crucial part of running an effective fast-paced high profit high results and high fun practice. This module covers a variety of team huddles to keep your team on purpose, focused and ready for a great day. Topics: Purpose, Structure, Schedules, Practice Flow.
Login to Sample the ModuleThe secrets of effective networking mean all the difference in marketing your practice to your neighborhood. Learn the nuts and bolts of networking with topics such as Introductions, Consistency, Key Presentation Points, Choosing Events.
Login to Sample the ModuleThis special module on Screenings will be a powerful addition to your marketing toolset. From finding events and your screening setup, through staffing and appointment approaches, to how to follow up, this module teaches you all the aspects.
Login to Sample the ModuleDo your patients come out of their first visit to your practice saying “Wow, this is exceptional?” The Office Tour Module will help you and your team communicate a “higher value” to your prospects – every time. Includes several office tours.
Login to Sample the ModuleThe quality of your staff may very well be the most important thing you can work on. This module covers critical topics such as Hiring (including valuable questions to ask potential hires) and Training. Includes 6 downloadable worksheets.
Login to Sample the ModuleThe AMPED Docs teach you how to use your position of leadership to create a great practice with ideal practice members, an inspired team and excellent workflow and procedures. This is a “Don’t Miss” module. Includes over a dozen worksheets.
Login to Sample the ModuleCreating a balanced, unified Team that knows their job descriptions and the mission of the practice are key elements to leading your community to health through chiropractic.Topics include “Becoming one with your team”, “Building on gifts and strengths” and “Common Challenges”. Includes 5 bonus videos.
Login to Sample the ModuleLocal events are the heartbeat of your marketing. There’s no better way to meet your prospective patients than to get out in the community. Learn the best practices of event marketing with this amazing module. 12 incredible lessons teach you everything you need to know.
Login to Sample the ModuleLearn the ins and outs of a massively successful flow of consultation used at top chiropractic offices. The lessons you will learn from this module are incredible. From your Clipboards, Timers, Paperwork and being aware of what’s going on in the background – to the purpose of Day 1 Education – you get it all!
Login to Sample the ModuleIn the end your practice will rise and fall because of you, your team and how you function together as a team. This module is all about you being a leader, leading your team, and the leadership of your team itself. An important and inspiring module with worksheets and bonus video.
Login to Sample the ModuleThis fun, must-watch module has great ideas for your marketing promotions. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall ideas are discussed. Tips on keeping things fresh and maximizing your staff participation as well. This module features 10 packed posts with downloadable tools and documents.
Login to Sample the ModuleNot only will you learn the importance of having a marketing calendar, but you’ll get the actual how-to steps to design and implement a great week to week schedule. Get ideas for themes, events and outreach programs to follow so that you can win big with your team in your community.
Login to Sample the ModuleIn this module we go over the different talks and conversations you will have with your patients and show you how to develop trust, rapport, and how to continue building your practice.
Login to Sample the ModuleThis module shows you how to create, educate and stand by your evaluations. Video lessons include instruction on location and detection of VSC, developing specific steps and protocols, training your team, and much more.
Login to Sample the ModuleGet connected with your community and thousands of potential new practice members through corporate talks and outreach. Updated with new downloadable templates for marketing to businesses!
Login to Sample the ModuleIn this valuable module, you will learn how to run your practice in an optimized fashion utilizing proven systems and procedures. You will learn leadership skills as well as effective monthly, quarterly, and yearly business protocols for your chiropractic practice.
Login to Sample the ModuleIn this critical module, you will learn how to go through the Day 1 Close. So you’ve gone through the office tour, the consultation, the Day 1 Education, and the evaluation. Now, you’ll go through the evaluation, schedule them for the Doctor’s Report and get commitment for the xrays. Be sure to get this amazing module.
Login to Sample the ModuleBig Events is a powerhouse marketing module. You’ll learn about the purpose of big events, the Practice Carnival, Big Dinners, Filler Events, Anniversary Celebrations and more.
Login to Sample the ModuleDon’t run into compliance issues! Use this module to get to the next level of Chiropractic Compliance. Don’t worry, this is not a boring module. Learn about compliance in a fun, interesting way.
Login to Sample the ModuleIn this important module, you will learn about the “Pre-game”, Care Recommendations, Doctor’s Report Review, Positions & Roles and the ROF Flow to gain momemtum and growth.
Login to Sample the ModuleThis module shows you how to encourage and uplift the community with purpose driven outreach marketing. This is a great module to add to your marketing toolset. We reveal proven techniques that you can copy step-by-step.
Login to Sample the ModuleThese topics are critical for you to master to ensure practice longevity. This awesome module shows how things must “start at the top” if you expect your team to understand how organization, administration and responsibility must be optimized.
Login to Sample the ModuleThis is a module that you must have. The Progress Report of Findings is highly critical and must be handled well. How to show your patient how far you’ve taken them and what have done for them is so important. Improve your touchpoints with this module.
Login to Sample the ModuleFrom “Why Health Fairs” to “Health Fair in a Box”, we show you exactly how to infiltrate your community in an impactful way using the very effective technique of leveraging health fairs. Put this powerful tool in your arsenal.
Login to Sample the ModuleThis module focuses on what you need to do to align your team with your vision. We look at some overlooked aspects of your team that you MUST optimize. We show you how to make sure that your team “gets” what you are trying to accomplish.
Login to Sample the ModuleA major question that successful chiropractors get all the time is “What do your care plans look like?”. This module reveals the secret sauce! Videos include The Care Plan Practice, Team Mindset, Care Plans/Pre-Doctor’s Report, The Financial Close and the Post Doctor’s Report.
Login to Sample the ModuleThe Re-evaluation is far more than just doing an assessment and comparing the old with the new. It is so much further in-depth than that. It’s actually a critical time to re-establish the “heartbeat” of the care for your practice member. Learn all about Re-evaluations with looks behind the scenes.
Login to Sample the ModuleThis module is HUGE in its impact. Referrals are the key to your practice. In “The Referral Practice“, we show you how to stimulate referrals both internally and externally. Your practice members will learn to see opportunities to share who you are, what you do and explain the benefits that you can provide.
Login to Sample the ModuleTeam meetings are a critical part of your practice. However, many docs don’t exactly know what a great team meeting is actually like! We’ll show you how to structure yours so that they are inspiring, productive and enjoyable. We’ll cover the philosophy and principles as well as the nuts and bolts.
Login to Sample the ModuleRetention is a subject that all chiropractic offices strive to master. It’s the key to steady, structured growth that keeps you from feelings of burnout and desperation. A steady progression is much more preferable to typical “boom and bust” cycles that many chiropractors experience.
Login to Sample the ModuleThe Billing Department is sometimes treated as an afterthought by chiropractors. Don’t fall into this trap. It’s an essential aspect of your practice and critical to your success.
Login to Sample the ModuleThis module is very important and close to the hearts of the AMPED Docs. Effective organization can be both difficult to teach and hard to adopt. There are different styles of organization and in this module’s videos, we hear from different AMPED offices on their best practices.
Login to Sample the ModuleHandling patient objections in the office is a critical skill that the AMPED Docs make sure to train their team on. Being good at this skill is necessary to keep your patients flowing in and staying. You don’t want all your hard work to go to waste by losing your hard-won patients!
Login to Sample the ModulePay special attention to this marketing module as Dr. Erik Brower and Dana Brower break down all the steps that make up a “Ladies Night Out” event. This module was created in response to popular demand and includes helpful downloadables that you’ll definitely want to pore over.
Login to Sample the ModuleWhether you are a student, are in the process of opening, or are an existing doc, you need to learn how to train and optimize your team. Building and nurturing a successful team will be one of the most important things you’ll need to master.
Login to Sample the ModuleCreating value within your practice and in your relationship to your practice members is obviously is one of your top goals. Dr. Jeremy Hess and Dr. Michael Viscarelli show you things you can do to ensure a value driven practice – down to the smallest detail.
Login to Sample the ModuleDr. Erik Brower and Dana Brower lead the discussion in this month’s module on Community Service projects. Based on their real-world experience with small events through large events, the Browers share the ins and outs of marketing through community service events.
Login to Sample the ModuleDr. Amanda Hess and Dr. John Davila take the lead in this module and lead us through the complex arena of dealing with Personal Injury cases. Dr. Davila, the CEO and Founder of Custom ChiroSolutions, is an expert on personal injury, insurance compliance and medicare.
Login to Sample the ModuleDr. Jeremy Hess and Dr. Michael Viscarelli teach the best practices for the Doctor’s Report. This is marked “2.0” because it’s an update of our first Doctor’s Report module. It features the inclusion of Dr. Rusty Herring and Dr. Jessica Harden. Simply put, the Doctor’s Report can be an amazing touchpoint for your prospective practice members.
Login to Sample the ModuleDr. Jeremy Hess and Dr. Michael Viscarelli are joined by Dr. Rusty Herring and Dr. Jessica Harden, who lead you through a crucial module focusing on how to be mentally tough and strong. They share from the heart and reveal the different things that they do to maintain the right mindset.
Login to Sample the ModuleDr. Jeremy Hess and Dr. Michael Viscarelli are joined by Dr. Jessica Harden and Dr. Rusty Herring, who discuss the tricky balance between having conversations that build relationships and conversations that educate about principled chiropractic.
Login to Sample the ModuleDr. Amanda Hess and Dr. John Davila take you by the hand and lead you through the intricacies of Coding and Compliance issues in this month’s module. Dr. John is as funny as always and you’ll get a kick out of these videos. This module contains more videos than usual.
Login to Sample the ModuleDr. Michael Viscarelli, Dr. Jeremy Hess, Dr. Jessica Harden, and Dr. Rusty Herring bring you the hard-won best practices in the critically important topic of Financial Closes. Whether it’s the Doctor, Associates, or Team Members doing the Day 1 Financial Close, there is a certain approach that should be taken.
Login to Sample the ModuleDr. Michael Viscarelli and his team member Kalleigh lead the charge this month in this important module on building relationships that really last. They cover networking and your professional development in depth and offer many best practice shares that show you how to achieve the rapport that is so critical to success.
Login to Sample the ModuleYou are in for a treat with this module on Creating Culture. Dr. Erik Kowalke and Dr. Tyler Schwanz, long-time colleagues and friends, discuss this topic often. They both take it very seriously and check in on what each other are doing to foster the right culture for their practices.
Login to Sample the ModuleWe’ve got a wealth of advice for you in this module with pearls of wisdom from Dr. Jessica Harden, Dr. Rusty Herring, Dr. Jeremy Hess and Dr. Michael Viscarelli.
Login to Sample the ModuleDrs. Jeremy and Amanda Hess and Ronnie Doss talk about something they really love – connecting with the communities that form around places of worship. They share their insights and techniques for really connecting with people.
Login to Sample the ModuleDr. Erik Brower leads the charge in this module about the office procedures around special types of phone calls and visits. He brings on Dr. Greg Davis and team member Crystal to add their expertise in this module. Enjoy this helpful nuts and bolts discussion!
Login to Sample the ModuleIt’s been a while since Dr. Michael Viscarelli and Dr. Jeremy Hess have done a module together. This month, they tackle a very crucial topic. “What do you do for your daily preparation?” is the big question at hand. Watch this lively and personality-packed module now.
Login to Sample the ModuleThis module discusses the mindset as well as the practical how-tos of “Marketing to 1000”. Dr. Amanda and Dr. Jeremy call on their 17 years of practice experience to give you an amazingly helpful module in the “Marketing” category.
Login to Sample the ModuleDrs. Michael Viscarelli and Erik Brower are excited to bring you the revamp of the Dinner with the Doc module. Did you know that it’s been 4 years since the filming of the original version? This update packs in the best practice shares and wisdom earned by both docs since the 1.0 version.
Login to Sample the ModuleDrs. Jeremy and Amanda Hess open this month’s module by saying how this topic is one of their favorites. And indeed, with their particular expertise in this area, it’s no wonder! They will walk you through the best practices of creating both personal and professional financial order.
Login to Sample the ModuleDr. Erik Kowalke loves using technology to enable his practice to do more with less. He has taken that passion to create an incredible module for you. His practice is constantly working on efficiency and ways to improve the practice member experience.
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