
AMPED Member Focus: Dr. Taylor Frederick

AMPED Member Focus: Dr. Taylor Frederick

We are proud to bring you the story of Dr. Taylor Frederick, DC of “Frederick Chiropractic” in Raleigh, NC! All of us in the AMPED community wish him best of luck.

Q. What are your roles at the practice?

A. Hello all! My name is Taylor Frederick, and my practice is Frederick Chiropractic in Raleigh, NC. I am married to my beautiful wife of 7 years, Hannah Frederick, and we have two children: 4 year old Liam and 3 year old Ellie. My role in the clinic is clinic director as I’m the only treating doc currently (we are actively looking for an associate though which is exciting); my wife is a domestic goddess and stays home with the littles helping mostly with social media and business odds and ends from home.

Q. How long have you been open?

A. The practice has been open and in the same location since June of 2018.

Q. How many patients do you see per week?

A.  We are currently serving between 230-260 patients/week.

Q. What have you learned in your journey?

A. Our practice journey started when I opened right after school in a different mastermind group. Over the first two years in practice, we grew to about 150/week, but the volume always seemed unstable. It felt like we were never finding our tribe nor attracting our people. By the time I joined Amped in December 2020, we were seeing 90/week and mentally were not doing well – “pandemic” unrelated. The Amped community helped me tremendously by being so passionate about SERVING as many as possible.

Q. Where can we find out more about you?

Q. What advice do you have for students?

A. My advice for students would be to be to surround yourselves with docs and mentors that are serving for the right reasons. Also look to find docs and mentors that practice how you want to. Then create the practice of your dreams in the middle of the Venn Diagram that is created there.

Q. What advice do you have for fellow doctors?

A. My advice for other docs would be to focus your efforts on the inside of your office; make your systems perfect and take care of the people ALREADY in your office. They will then take care of you by trusting you with the health of them and their families in perpetuity…as long as you don’t lose your focus on them.

Q. What would you say to anyone considering joining AMPED?

A. Previous groups I’ve been a part of were all geared towards high volume, coaching systems and procedures to accommodate that, but the reason behind the volume was different. The Amped community is abundant in service, love, and motivation – and that is what sets it apart. If someone is looking for the tools to grow abundantly as a person and in practice, this is the right place for you.

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