Q. What is your role at the practice?
A. Owner, Chiropractor
Q. How long have you been open?
A. We have been open for 5 months now (Since late October)
Q. How many patients do you see per week?
A. 240
Q. Would you like to share anything about your practice adventure?
A. Rebekah (my wife) was planning on being in the office until about a few months before opening. We have 2 kids and we made a last minute decision to keep her out of the office to focus on our family. My heart and goals were set on seeing kids, but pretty quickly into practice I found that there is something about my charm that drives all the old women to my office. I won’t complain though. They never miss an appointment, have great insurance, and they tell everyone they know about us!
Q. What have you learned in your journey?
A. I have learned that I will never outgrow my need for a strong community. Each stage of the process has required me to be plugged into a community that can keep me accountable, sharp, and motivated to push forward the greatest profession on the planet.
Q. Where can we find out more about you?
Q. How has AMPED helped you?
A. There isn’t a starting point to this question. “Help” is the softest possible word to describe AMPED. It has literally altered the trajectory of my life and what I thought was possible. Every step of my journey (school, jumpstart, opening, growth) I have needed professional guidance so I can be the best possible doc and business owner. I need it now more than ever before. AMPED keeps me looking up at my future and what I want to create and what I need to be doing to create it.
Q. What advice do you have for students?
A. Find 3 docs that you want to model everything after and serve them as much as possible.
Q. What advice do you have for fellow doctors?
A. In your own way – find a way to show and tell your practice members how much you love and care for them. More than anything, practice members are committed to you, even more than their own health. You’ve got to find a way to convey to them that you care so much about their potential in life and that you are committed to helping them reach that because you care about them.
Q. What would you say to anyone considering joining AMPED?
A. If you want to travel your career path alone – you are a lot more screwed than you can imagine. If you are looking for long term success then you need accountability, knowledge, motivation, consistency, confidence, and resourcesw. And you need these over a long period of time to produce the growth that will change your life. You have nothing to lose if you join and everything to lose if you don’t. My biggest piece of advice is to hop on a call with an AMPED doc that opened up an office during a pandemic and ask them how they did it.