Attend an AMPED Meet Up!
What is a Meet Up?
A Meet Up is an informal social gathering or event, hosted by an AMPED chiropractor, that intends to bring together other AMPED doctors and their families for fun and fellowship within the AMPED community.
One of the best ways for you become part of the AMPED community is to check out the variety of Meet Ups we have scheduled for this year and register for one (or more!) that interest YOU! There is no reason for anyone to feel alone in their chiropractic journey, and we believe AMPED Meet Ups are just one of the many ways you can stay connected.
Meet Ups can range from a casual cookout hosted at a member’s home to a fully planned event or all-day excursion. Meet Ups will be limited to approximately 40 people or less, so DON’T WAIT to register for Meet Ups that interest you, as spaces will be limited and will likely fill up fast!
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Here are your next steps!